Google and Spotify Take on the B2B Market

Google and Spotify have been making headlines this week as they both take on unique positions in the B2B space. Let’s take a closer look at what’s been going on.

Spotify Takes Aim at B2B Marketers

Spotify has announced a new suite of tools specifically tailored for B2B marketers. With these tools, marketers can more easily and seamlessly access target audiences with more accuracy than ever before. Here are some of the advantages that the tools provide:

  • Advanced Targeting: Marketers are able to target specific audiences by company size, types of products purchased, location, and more.
  • Enhanced Measurement: The new platform allows marketers to measure the success of their campaigns in real time, providing greater insights into the impact of their efforts.
  • Comprehensive Insights: Spotify provides comprehensive insights into user behaviors, allowing marketers to understand how their target audiences engage with their brands and content.

This new suite of B2B marketing tools marks a major shift for the streaming giant, which has traditionally focused on consumer-focused initiatives.

Google Faces EU Scrutiny

Google has been in the news lately due to the European Union’s (EU) new adtech regulations. The EU’s regulations seek to ensure transparency and fairness in the adtech space, and Google is facing significant criticism for its role in the industry.

Google’s legal opposition to the new adtech rules has stalled their implementation, and the company is now seeking to reach a compromise with EU authorities.


Google and Spotify took center stage this week as both companies sought to create a bigger presence in the B2B space. Spotify launched its new suite of B2B marketing tools, while Google engaged in a battle with EU regulators over its adtech practices. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, we can expect to see both of these companies making more moves in the B2B space.