Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) recently asked President Joe Biden to ease provisions in the Clean Air Act that put an undue burden on small businesses.

The Clean Air Act of 1990 seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. While beneficial for the environment and creating a cleaner atmosphere, some of the regulations put challenging requirements on small businesses. Senator Romney believes the needs of small businesses are getting overlooked in pursuit of a healthy environment.

Romney’s Argument for Easing Regulations For Small Businesses

Senator Romney provided the following arguments in favor of reducing greenhouse gas emissions regulations for small businesses:

  • Small businesses often lack the resources and capital needed to easily meet environmental standards.
  • Regulations should not stand in the way of innovation, which is a critical asset of small businesses.
  • There should be more focus on the implementation of cost-effective measures that support small businesses.
  • Environmental protections are essential, but should not be at the expense of small businesses.

Biden Administration’s Response

In response to Senator Romney’s request, President Biden has stated that he plans to investigate the issue, announcing that “we will be looking at some of the regulations that place an undue burden on small businesses, while still ensuring that we are managing and preserving the environment.”

The Biden Administration also indicated that it plans to “focus on a comprehensive approach to addressing these issues, [which] could include a combination of regulatory and non-regulatory measures.”


Although the American public is divided on the issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions for small businesses, it appears that the Biden Administration is aiming to craft a balanced approach that both preserves the environment and provides cost-effective measures for small businesses.