Renting a property is an important legal transaction and requires an agreement between the tenant and the landlord. This agreement is often called a rental agreement. It is important for both parties to be aware of their responsibilities in the agreement.

Fortunately, there are numerous printable rental agreements available online to choose from. With a range of options for any situation, these documents can help make sure that both parties are aware of their obligations in an organized way.

Why Use A Rental Agreement?

Using a rental agreement helps protect both the tenant and the landlord. It is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities expected of each party. If any dispute between both parties occurs, such as non-payment of rent or damage to the property, the agreement will serve as written evidence.

Benefits of Printable Rental Agreements

Printable rental agreements have several benefits. They are:

  • Cost effective: Printable rental agreements are extremely cost effective. They often cost less than professional legal fees and require minimal effort to produce.
  • Easy to use: Printable rental agreements are easy to use. They require only basic computer skills, such as typing and printing. Basic clauses are readily available and can be quickly filled in.
  • Up-to-date: Printable rental agreements are always up to date. As the law is changing all the time, it is important to have access to the latest information available.

The range of printable rental agreements includes:

  • Pet Addendum
  • Standard Residential Lease Agreement
  • Room Rental Agreement
  • Rental Application
  • Commercial Lease Agreement
  • Rental Agreement Renewal
  • Lease Termination
  • Security Deposit Receipt
  • Sublease Agreement
  • Roommate Agreement
  • Month-to-Month Rental Agreement

All these documents can be accessed online and printed out. They provide the opportunity to easily customize these documents so that they are tailored to the exact requirements of the tenant and the landlord.


Printable rental agreements are a great way to ensure that the terms of a rental agreement are legally binding and carefully structured. By using one of the many printable rental agreements available online, both the tenant and the landlord can be sure that they have a legally sound rental agreement.