Easy to implement tactics for local link building — Whiteboard Friday

For the small businesses and businesses with a significant local presence, local link building can be an incredibly powerful tool for building long-term rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs). This week, our Whiteboard Friday dives into seven easy tactics for local link building that will help boost your online presence in your local area.

1. Sponsor Local Organizations

Sponsoring local organizations can be an incredibly effective way to build up your reputation in the community, as well as get links and visibility from other local organizations. Some of the organizations you could consider sponsoring are charities, schools, and sports teams. Not only will you be helping your local community, but you’ll often get a link back to your website from the organization, which is a great local link.

2. Get Listed in Local Media

Getting listed in local media is another great way to build up your local presence and score some backlinks. Whether it’s a local newspaper, radio station, or TV show – get your business listed in local media and you’ll build up credibility with potential customers, as well as getting a valuable link back to your website.

3. Build Relationships With Local Influencers

Building relationships with local influencers can be a great way to get your business in front of potential customers, and it also leads to plenty of great backlinks. Try reaching out to local bloggers and social media influencers and asking them to feature your business on their blog or profile. You can also approach local publications or media outlets and offer to provide them with interesting content for their websites.

4. Participate in Local Events and Shows

Another great way to get your business noticed in the local area is to participate in local events and shows. These could be anything from food shows to local fairs and markets. It’s a great way to let potential customers know about your business and even get some additional links back to your website.

5. Get Featured on Local Directories and Websites

Local directories and websites are a great place to get your business noticed in the local area. There are a wealth of local directories out there that you can submit your business to and get a link back to your website. Make sure to list your business on the major local directories, such as Yelp and Google My Business.

6. Create Local Content

Creating local content is an effective way to build up an audience and get noticed in the local area. Try creating content related to local events, news, and activities that would be of interest to people in your local area. Not only will you get some additional visibility, but you’ll also likely get some links from other local websites.

7. Join Local Networking and Industry Groups

Joining local networking and industry groups is another great way to build up your local presence and also score some valuable links. Networking groups such as meetups, Facebook groups, and LinkedIn groups are all great places to start. You can also join industry-specific groups and become a part of the local business community.


As you can see, there are plenty of easy tactics for local link building that will help you get the all-important links from local sources. Whether it’s sponsoring a local charity, getting listed in the local media, or creating local content, there’s something for everyone. So go out there and get started on building your local link profile today!