The world of B2B marketing is ever changing and the pace of innovation and new ideas continues to pick up speed. The savvy marketer needs to stay ahead of the curve and have a finger on the pulse of the latest new trends that could have an effect on their business. Here are just a few of the topics making headlines right now:

B2B Intent Data

B2B Intent Data is one of the most powerful tools available to marketers today. By harnessing data from sources such as web search queries, content engagements, and other digital signals, B2B marketers can gain insights into their customer’s buying process and target their campaigns for maximum impact.

LinkedIn’s New CTA Buttons

LinkedIn has recently unveiled a new range of CTA (call-to-action) buttons that give companies the opportunity to stand out by promoting special offers and services directly on their profiles. This is a great way for companies to stay top-of-mind with their prospects, and drive more conversions.

Marketing’s Rising Role

Marketing is no longer just viewed as a support function, but as a critical component of successful businesses’ growth plans. Companies are hiring more marketers to help them create, optimize, and measure effective campaigns ― both online and offline.

Top Social Platform Study

A recent study of the top social media platforms revealed that LinkedIn is the top B2B platform, followed by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. The key takeaway here is that having a presence on every major network is still important to maximize potential and reach.

From sophisticated B2B Intent Data, to new digital strategies and the latest trends of top platforms, marketers need to stay informed. Staying ahead of the digital curve and following the latest developments in the industry can often be the difference between success and failure.