4 Trends Shaping B2B Marketing
As we continue through the new decade, B2B marketing is evolving from traditional tactics to more personalized and data-driven initiatives. Here are four important trends to pay attention to.
B2B Personalization Study
Research shows that personalization can benefit B2B marketing in various ways. One study found that 94% of B2B companies experienced higher customer engagement, greater loyalty, and improved customer satisfaction when personalizing their messaging strategy. In addition, 79% saw better ROI.
Content Driving More Revenue
B2B organizations are recognizing the power of content to drive revenue. According to research, 70% of B2B buyers actually prefer content-driven experiences. When done correctly, content can help build trust with prospects and increase brand awareness, leading to greater conversions down the line.
Google’s New Link Guidelines
Google has recently updated its link building guidelines to set a higher standard for link equity and to better combat link spam. These changes suggest that link building will require more effort from marketers, potentially necessitating changes in strategy.
Marketing Loyalty Data
Did you know that loyal customers are 5 times more likely to purchase again? Data-driven B2B marketers are focusing on customer loyalty, using data to discover more about their current customers and helping to identify which customers are more likely to become loyal followers.
In conclusion, B2B marketing is definitely going through some changes. If you want to keep up, make sure to focus on personalization, content, links, and loyalty data.