Staying up to date on the latest B2B marketing news isn’t easy, but the information is essential to success. Let’s dive into what’s happening in the world of B2B marketing and explore some of the key stories dominating the space.

B2B Pipeline Study

The State of Inbound 2019 report is out, and it’s packed with helpful data about the state of today’s B2B pipelines. Here are some key takeaways:

  • The most effective tactics for lead generation: Website content, email campaigns, and blogging are the three most effective lead generation tactics.
  • Growth challenges for businesses in 2019: The top challenges for businesses this year were generating leads, proving ROI of marketing activities, and converting leads/prospects.

AI’s Rising Video Use

Artificial intelligence is making its way into video marketing, with emerging tools and technologies enabling more sophisticated and personalised video communication. AI-powered video tools are becoming increasingly accessible and are being used to create highly personalised and engaging experiences that can be tailored to individual viewers.

Google’s New Verification Tools

Google recently announced new verification tools to help businesses ensure their data is accurate and up to date across the web. These tools allow businesses to easily verify their names, addresses, and other information, giving them greater control over their brand’s information and helping to prevent fraudulent activity.

What B2B Buyers Want

We all want to know what B2B buyers want, and fortunately the latest research provides some insight. recent studies have revealed that B2B buyers place a premium on convenience, value, and personalisation. Businesses need to provide buyers with relevant and impactful content, along with an intuitive and seamless buying experience, in order to meet their needs.

Staying ahead of the curve on B2B marketing news is crucial in today’s competitive landscape. By understanding the key trends, businesses can gain a competitive edge and ensure they’re providing buyers with the experience they want.