Elevate B2B Marketing News Weekly Roundup: Spotify Woos B2B Marketers & Google’ EU AdTech Scrutiny

As we enter the summer of 2020, at the core of the B2B marketing scene, there are two major news developments that will reshape the landscape for business marketers.

Spotify Woos B2B Marketers

The European digital audio streaming giant, Spotify has struck a deal with LinkedIn to offer B2B marketers unprecedented and powerful tools to reach and engage their target audience. This exciting new development for B2B Marketers includes:

  • LinkedIn Marketplace: Spotify will be leveraging LinkedIn’s advertising and promotion marketplace to give B2B marketers unprecedented, cost-efficient access to the social media network’s vast array of users.
  • Paid Campaigns: In addition to the opt-in traffic that LinkedIn’s Marketplace will bring, Spotify will offer a suite of sponsored audio ad campaigns for B2B marketers to reach potential customers.
  • Call to Action (CTA) Feature: There will now be a CTA feature built right into the audio streaming platform that allows B2B marketers to engage with their target audience directly.

Google’s EU AdTech Scrutiny

On the opposite side of the B2B marketing news spectrum is Google, the technology titan, and its ongoing battle with the European Union’s (EU’s) expansive anti-trust legislation. This clash of the titans has led to the EU’s highly scrutinizing investigations into Google’s AdTech practices.

The issue for B2B marketers is that whole sectors of the digital economy (including e-commerce, digital advertising, online media, etc.), are becoming increasingly reliant on online ad marketplaces and Google’s digital ad technology. If the investigations reveal any unlawful practices, B2B marketers may be forced to look for alternative ad tech solutions or risk being cut off from crucial online marketing channels.

In summary, we’ve seen an exciting new development for B2B marketers this week with Spotify’s partnership with LinkedIn, while Google faces the continuing scrutiny of the EU’s anti-trust legislation. Now more than ever, it’s important for B2B marketers to stay abreast of the latest developments to ensure that they remain competitive in their markets.

All in all, it’s shaping up to be an exciting time for B2B marketers. Adapting to the ever-changing landscape can be daunting, but adhering to the latest changes and strategies can lead to greater success.