Starting the brand-new year off strong is essential for success, and it’s important for your team to be prepared for a productive year ahead. Here are 6 tips to help your team prepare for 2020 — going Next Level!

1. Establish SMART Goals

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Setting SMART goals will help your team stay focused and on track throughout the year. This greater level of accountability ensures the team succeeds in reaching their targets — and ultimately, achieving success.

2. Set Regular Meetings

Make sure to meet with your team at least once a month to provide updates, give kudos for initiatives, and hold employees accountable for their performance. Regular meetings also help to maintain a clear set of goals and objectives, and providing feedback are important for keeping everyone on the same page.

3. Set a Clear Vision & Focus

Having a clear vision of your team’s goals for the year will help keep them focused on the future. Reinforcing this focus with frequent conversations and updates on progress will ensure everyone is on the same page — both internally and externally.

4. Delegate Effectively

It’s key to delegate effectively so everyone can have the opportunity to contribute and develop their skills. By delegating tasks effectively to the right members, your team can start off the year with a clear purpose, with each member working on the tasks they’re best at.

5. Support Skill Development

Encouraging and supporting skill development will help your team stay updated with the latest tools and techniques, making them more prepared and more productive when it comes to the tasks at hand. Make sure to offer insight, tools and courses that help to improve performance and productivity.

6. Celebrate Success

Celebrating success is essential for morale, motivation, and team spirit. Acknowledging success — be it personal or as a team — can help to elevate energy and enthusiasm. After setting SMART goals, regular meetings, and focusing on skill development, you and your team should be proud of the hard work you’ve done and the success you’ve achieved.


This new year — and decade — mark a great opportunity to take your team to the Next Level. By embracing the tips above, and putting them into action, your team will be ready for success and a productive 2020.