SEOs and developers are often seen on opposite sides of the fence, but this is a team that needs to work together to create the best possible experience for website visitors. In this Whiteboard Friday, we will discuss how SEOs and developers can get the most out of their relationship.

1. Communicate regularly

The key to successful collaboration is communication. SEOs and developers on the same project should talk with each other routinely, to ensure that goals are properly aligned and everything is moving in the same direction. Establishing a regular check-in meeting between team members can help ensure that developers are aware of changes in SEO strategies.

2. Set clear goals

Before beginning a project, make sure that both SEOs and developers share a clear understanding of what success looks like. Each team should agree on the objectives, expectations, and timeline for completion. This helps make sure everyone is on the same page and heading toward the same goal.

3. Utilize tracking tools

In order to measure the success of a new site launch or update, both SEOs and developers should take advantage of tracking tools. Using the same tracking tool allows both teams to analyze the effect of the changes on traffic and user engagement in order to iterate and improve upon the site with each subsequent update.

4. Share knowledge

To build a strong relationship, it is important for both SEOs and developers to take the time to understand the skills and knowledge that the other team brings to the table. Taking the time to explain the inner workings of your team’s respective tasks to the other team can go a long way in reducing the naturally occurring tension due to differences in experience.


When SEOs and developers are able to work together effectively, they can create a better overall experience for the user and a stronger website for the company. By communicating regularly, setting clear goals, utilizing tracking tools, and sharing knowledge, both teams can successfully collaborate and get the most out of their relationship.