Starting your own T-shirt business is an exciting way to make money and express your creative side. You’ll want to make sure everything is in order before you get started, so here are some steps to help you get your business off the ground:

1. Determine Your Market

Before you even begin always ask yourself, “Who is my customer?” By carefully selecting who your target market is, you will know what type of designs to offer and how to market them.

2. Design Your Product

This part is totally up to you and your creativity. If you are not a graphic designer, there are many online sites that offer easy to use t-shirt design tools.

3. Find a Supplier

Now that you know what type of shirt you want to sell, you need to find a t-shirt supplier. There are many companies who can print and ship custom tees that you can use for your business.

4. Create Your Website

In order to advertise and sell your shirts, you’ll need to create a website. Even if you are not a professional web designer, you can use a simple website builder such as WordPress or Squarespace to get your site set up.

5. Market Your Brand

Once you have everything in place, it’s time to start getting the word out about your new t-shirt business. Here are some ways to market your brand:

  • Social media posts/ads
  • Email campaigns
  • Networking
  • Promotional events

Starting a t-shirt business can be a profitable venture with a lot of potential. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but if you follow these steps you’ll be off and running in no time. Good luck!