Social media is a competitive arena for businesses, and the battle between Threads and Twitter is the latest example of how fast the landscape can change. In this article, we’ll explore the implications of the battle for B2B marketers and examine the opportunities and challenges that each platform presents.

What is Threads?

Threads is a new social media app created by Instagram for managing direct messages. It allows users to create group conversations with up to 32 people and quickly share photos, videos, and other content. Unlike Twitter, Threads has a messaging-focused layout and emphasizes direct messaging rather than public tweets.

What Does Threads Offer B2B Marketers?

For B2B marketers, Threads offers several advantages over Twitter. Here are just a few:

  • More focused conversations: Threads provides the perfect platform for B2B marketers to have more targeted conversations with clients and prospects.
  • Makes branding easier: It’s simple to create customized group conversations with clients, and this in turn helps to strengthen relationships and drive brand loyalty.
  • Easier content sharing: Threads also makes it easier to quickly share photos, videos, and other types of content with clients and prospects.

What Does Twitter Offer B2B Marketers?

Although Threads offers several advantages over Twitter, the latter platform is still an effective tool for B2B marketers. Here are just a few of its advantages:

  • Reach: Twitter has over 320 million users, and most B2B brands already have an established presence on the platform.
  • Content discovery: Twitter is a great platform for discovering relevant content and engaging with influencers.
  • Marketing insights: Twitter also provides a wealth of data about topics and trends, making it an invaluable tool for marketers.


The battle between Threads and Twitter is an important one for B2B marketers to consider. Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, and B2B marketers need to be savvy about choosing the platform that best meets their needs. For some, Threads may be the perfect tool for managing conversations with clients and prospects. For others, Twitter may be better suited for content discovery and marketing insights.